South West Action Group

Data Privacy and GDPR
SWAG holds very limited personal information about its supporters; just names, email addresses and (if provided) physical address and in some cases phone numbers. We use this information for the single, sole purpose of proactively providing our supporters with information about local developments that will affect local residents.
We hold no data beyond these basic contact details; no financial or health data, for example. We share this information with no-one; no outside bodies, such as the Council or other action groups, and certainly with no commercial organisations. It is held in encrypted files and used only to generate mailshots and similar communications. We have a data-handling policy and strict procedures. SWAG seeks only to inform. We never have and never will use this information for any other purpose, or share your details outside the SWAG Committee without your express permission.
Please let us know if you wish to be removed from our mailing list by emailing SWAG, with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the ‘Subject’ line, and we will permanently remove your details from our database. You can contact us at any time in the future to request and scrutinise the data we hold on you or to have your details removed, if you move away or decide at some future date that you no longer wish to hear about local developments.